Call for Action

Left and right, there are advocacies regarding the social stigma for PLWH (People Livong With HIV). I applaud the activists, the NGOs and the supporters. However, such focus and determination and time has been spent that they are missing the more tactical issues that pozzies in the Philippines will soon face in 2012. The ARV situation.

PhilHealth will be providing assisstance through the OHAT program which inludes an annual financial assistance of Php 30,000. Not sure if this is the latest but i got this info months ago. A month's worth of ARV (generic brands from India) will cost around Php 3,500 (1st line).

I can actually shoulder the expenses. But how about for those who cannot?

Are the existing NGOs working on getting funding from foreign institutions?

I wanna help. But how?

Get Busy

7:42 AM Posted by Trese 2 comments
Been busy with work lately. Done with a project in Cebu weeks ago. Working on a new project. Work is good, crossing my fingers that I get a good enough rating so I can be promoted.

Blog has been neglected. Lots of stories to tell though. Will think of something to post. I knoe, this is a lazy update. But i think it's better to post something lazy versus posting something apathetic or emotionally draining or post something self righteous about oneself. Right?

So there. I'm still alive. Just busy.