What Makes Me Happy

Last Sunday was Valentines Day. And because I’m single, there was nothing waiting for me. Tradition, I guess.

Valentine’s Day is a day like any other but the whole point of it is to enjoy it with someone you love. I have a hard time finding someone to spend my days with someone I like, but that’s another story.

No cards, flowers, chocolates, or romantic dinners/walks/etc., but it’s not like I’ve had that in years past. I’ll partake in the day like everyone else who is single. It’s not like I haven’t done it for over +20 years. Maybe that can be my tradition, be single every 14th of February.


Things are looking good, full gear on my 2nd career. Crossing my fingers that at least 1 out of 4 attempts will be a success. My first career makes the money, my 2nd career makes me happy. And being single suits me. Yeah, I sort of decided that I'll be single this year. I'll go on dates, casual hookies (hmmmm....), but committing myself to someone... Uhm, pass. Well, I can always change my mind but for now, i want to take care of myself, my happiness, and my life first.

2 Response to "What Makes Me Happy"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    hey, we share the same sentiments in going out and not to entirely commit myself with other people because of the same status that we share. You see, I myself is a pozzie and up to this point, I am still wondering if they (guys that I go out with) are ready to face the truth of going out with a pozz.

    I wonder if some Pozzs out there also prefer to just mingle just like us..

  2. Trese Says:

    Hey Mr Anonymous :)

    I have this habit of... "if you don't like me, screw you" attitude. LOL. Well, I haven't told anyone about my poz status... Mingle-wise, befriending a pozzie like us, well, i think that's not a problem. But getting in a committed relationship with a non-pozzie, not not not sure. But who knows...

    Email me at lucky.trese@gmail.com
    Let's talk :)